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Drumstick Leaves Thoran

Drumstick Leaves Thoran

Drumstick leaves
Main ingredient is murungai or otherwise infamous as drumstick. Its botanical name is Moringaoleifera. In Sanskrit it is known as Sigru.
Family Name: Moringaceae
Edible Part: is its fruit, seed and leaves
Ayurveda Properties: Alleviates KAPHA and PITHA
THORAN: is a traditional Kerala Ayurveda dry dish.
This Ayurvedic thoran helps in nourishing all body cells. The chief ingredient “drum stick” is a proven strengthening herb and also a galactagogue. Drinking water boiled with drumstick leaves helps in reducing serum cholesterol levels, for regulating blood pressure and also to reduce excess body heat. The juice of drumstick leaves are beneficial in eye disorders of varied nature especially inflammations. The paste of drumstick root bark is helpful in skin disorders.

1. Drumstick Leaves - 300 Grams
2. Shallots - 50 Grams
3. Green Chili (Chopped) - 3 nos
4. Turmeric Powder - ½ tsp
5. Garlic - 5 Cloves
6. Grated Coconut - 100 Grams
7. Cumin Powder - ½ tsp
8. Coconut Oil - 30 ml
9. Mustard Seeds - ½ tsp
10. Curry Leaves - 10 nos
11. Salt - To taste

Cooking method:
Heat the pan then pour coconut oil in to the pan, heat it then add mustard seeds and curry leaves keep just few moments till the mustard to break.
Then add Chopped Garlic, Shallot, Green chili, Sauté it for 5 minutes till it gets just light brown. Then add grated coconut and turmeric Powder. Then add Drumstick leaves and Salt then mix it then Keep in slow fire cover with a lid cook it 5 to 10 Minutes, when the water will disappear and the mixture get dry. Serve and use hot.