Ayurvedic Plants and Herbs with Health Benefits
Ayurvedic plants and herbs play a key part in the practice of Ayurvedic medicine. Human
illnesses are believed to be caused by the weaknesses in the body that lets the disease take
hold. Ayurveda uses medicinal plants and herbs to cleanse the body, boost defense against
disease and support the body’s natural functions to ward off illnesses. The basic principle of
Ayurvedic medicine is to treat the whole body rather than responding to symptoms of
disease. Ayurvedic plants and herbs help the body to heal naturally from within. These
medicinal plants or herbs are rarely used on their own. Instead, they are used as part of
different treatment methods in Ayurveda like nutrition, massage, aromatherapy etc.
Aloe Vera, the magic plant (Aloe Barbadensis Miller):
Aloe Vera is a well-known plant all over the world and widely cultivated in India. There are
thousands of medicinal factories all over the world that works with Aloe Vera including
beauty and cosmetic industry. Aloe Vera is the main ingredient for hair growth medicines as
it can control and eliminate bald & hair loss. The beauty concept of women all over the world
has enlarged with the multi-faceted use of Aloe Vera. This green thorny plant is unique and
has enormous healing power and is very dependable in fighting so many diseases. Perhaps,
America would be the country where Aloe Vera the medicinal plant shines in every aspect.
The aloe Vera juice is very special and its regular use would be very beneficial to everyone.
The Ayurveda suggests Aloe Vera to eliminate many ailments. In Ayurveda, the medicinal
science also gets a prominent place to Aloe Vera, as it gives relax and healing to health
Neem in Ayurveda (Azadirachta Indica):
Neem is a tree widely popular all over India. However, South Indian states like Tamil Nadu
and Kerala are the states with much abundance of Neem in India. The Neem tree doesn't need
much water for survival. It'll grow without water support. The south Indian temples have the
requirement for bulk quantity of Neem every year. The Amman temples of Tamil Nadu and
Kerala need the leave of Neem in Bulk quantity. Without the leaves of the Neem tree, there
would be no rites in Amman temples. For religious rituals of south Indian Amman temples
neem is an important part. The Neem is considered as a divine tree and it has the power to
heal many diseases. Neem is the best antibiotic. It has the amazing power to heal many skin
diseases. Neem is a multipurpose tree. In Ayurveda alone, the tree Neem and the leaves
would have the use for a hundred types. The healing power of Neem is amazing. It's a remedy
for diabetics and for many skin diseases. The dermatology, the treatment branch of skin
ailments, very effectively makes Neem based medicines. Still, the Neem is a wonderful tree
for scientists. The Neem touched wind is also very effective to control certain diseases.
Tulasi, the amazing plant (Ocimum Tenuiflorum):
Tulsi or Tulasi is a plant with much medicinal power. In Hindu religion, Tulasi, the plant gets
much relevance. Tulasi is a sacred plant in Hindu religious view. It has everything to heal
many diseases. In Ayurveda, the plant Tulasi plays an important role. Tulasi the plant is part
of certain Hindu rituals. Tulasi garland is used to worship The Lord Krishna. In Hindu
mythology, Tulasi is a needed factor. Tulasi is believed to be the earthly manifestation of
god. It is very powerful antibiotic and effective as medicine especially for fever and cold
which also works against mosquito. It gives immune power. Tulasi would be planted in front
of Hindu homes. Some masonry structures are also uses for grows and protects Tulasi the
special plant. The Hindu religion gives much priority to Tulasi the plant. The important role
of Tulasi is for religious rites and also for medicinal purposes. It is possible to make essential
oil from Tulasi. The Hindu gods Vishnu, Krishna, and Vithoba are taking fruitful worships
with Tulasi. It's a very unique plant or herb and it spreads the healthy fragrance. The Tulasi
contains the gold in its juice and it's a scientific proved fact.
Nelikka (Phyllanthus Emblica):
Amla or “Indian gooseberry” is a tree that grows in India and the Middle East. The tree is
small to medium in size, reaching 8 to 18 m in height, with a crooked trunk and spreading
branches. The branchlets are glabrous or finely pubescent, 10-20 cm long, usually deciduous.
The leaves are light green, resembling pinnate leaves, subsessile and closely set along
branchlets and its flowers are greenish-yellow. Amla is also known as Amritphala in Sanskrit,
which literally means the fruit of heaven or nectar fruit. It is so called because it is rich in
many desirable properties. The fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth
and hard on appearance, with six vertical stripes or furrows. This fruit is highly prized both
for its high vitamin C content and for the precious oil, which is extracted from its seeds. The
fruit paste is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic and the pulp and
used as a treatment for hair and scalp problems. Another common use of this fruit is in
medicines and tonics since it is extremely rich in vitamin C. In fact, it is documented that the
Amla fruit, on a per kilo basis, is the world's richest source of vitamin C.
Brahmi (Bacopa monieri):
Brahmi is a unique herb which is regarded as a memory enhancer. It is a small succulent herb
with numerous branches, with rooting at the nodes, and are usually found at sea level to
altitudes of about 4400 feet. It grows in marshy areas, shallow waters and wet lands. The
flowers are white or light purple colored with four or five petals and are used for medicinal
purposes. The plant has got a cooling property which helps in brain boosting as it helps to
keep the mind calm and focus. This also helps in attaining sound sleep. Brahmi helps in
improving the brain functions and is excellent in strengthening the memory. The presence of
bacoside helps in fighting against Alzheimer’s disease as it can help in rebuilding brain
tissues. It is also abundant with antioxidants which helps in leading a healthy life. Consuming
Brahmi on a regular basis can help in immune system strengthening.
Ayurvedic plants and herbs have been a vital part of traditional ayurvedic medicine for
centuries. The recent scientific studies also support the health benefits put forward by them
which includes prevention against heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. So, if you an include
small amounts of these medicinal herbs and plants in your daily diet, it can definitely boost
your immunity and health. Since ayurveda has a holistic approach to health, it is also
important to have adequate sleep, physical activities and better stress management. Also,
including various fruits and vegetables in your diet can also help to keep your health